Sunday, June 29, 2008

THE awesomest thing EVER!

So I got bored one night, and when I get bored I go on the internet. But, by the time my boredom had come, it was like 1:00 in the morning, and my internet goes down past midnight. So I got on photoshop, and made a creation of what I had already on "My Pictures".

I gots it right here:

Dude! Its Battle Wounded Goku, with hulks head, with wolverine claws, with a visor, with Goku AND Fabio hair, with a stream of fire bursting from his mouth, and Hans head is floating next to him. DUDE! Oh yeah, and there is an AK47.

If this isnt the awesomest thing that you have ever seen, then youre a cancer.

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